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【文献速递】交感性眼炎的发病率-日本全国性数据库研究| Ophthalmology

作者:147小编   来源:网络   时间:2024-12-03 07:03:11

【文献速递】交感性眼炎的发病率-日本全国性数据库研究| Ophthalmology(图1)


交感性眼炎(Sympathetic ophthlmia)是一种罕见的双眼肉芽肿性全葡萄膜炎,在一只眼外伤或内眼手术后发生。这些刺激性事件(手术或外伤)可能导致葡萄膜或视网膜释放抗原,从而引起自身免疫性葡萄膜炎。大多数交感性眼炎发生在刺激性事件后的5天到6个月,90%在1年内发生。

【文献速递】交感性眼炎的发病率-日本全国性数据库研究| Ophthalmology(图2)


【文献速递】交感性眼炎的发病率-日本全国性数据库研究| Ophthalmology(图3)


To analyze the incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia (SO) after inciting events (eye trauma or intraocular surgery).



Design: Retrospective cohort study.


Subjects: Patients undergoing inciting events between 2012 and 2019. Onset of SO was defined as the first date of SO diagnosis.


Methods: A nationwide administrative claims database in Japan was used. We calculated the cumulative incidence of SO after inciting events stratified by sex, 10-year age groups, and a categorical variable of “primary/repeated” reflecting the history of inciting events in the past year (no inciting events, inciting events without trauma, or inciting events with trauma) using the Kaplan–Meier approach. We also estimated the adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) by Cox regression, in which age groups and the “primary/repeated” variable were considered time-dependent and sex was considered time-independent. We then restricted the population to those with only one inciting event during the observation period to investigate the pure effect of each inciting event.



Main Outcome Measures: Cumulative incidence of SO over 60 months.



A total of 888,041 inciting events (704,717 patients) were eligible. The total number of SO cases was 263 and the cumulative incidence of SO was 0.044% over 60 months. Female sex was not associated with onset of SO (aHR, 1.01 [95% confidence interval, 0.79–1.29]). The 40–49-year-old group had the highest incidence of 0.104% among the age groups (aHR vs. ≥80-year-old group (0.041%), 2.44 [1.56–3.80]). Repeated inciting events with and without trauma had higher incidences of SO (0.47% and 0.072%, respectively; aHR vs. primary inciting events, 11.68 [7.74–17.64] and 2.21[1.59–3.07], respectively) than primary inciting events (0.036%). The incidence of SO after vitrectomy was much lower than that after trauma (0.016% vs. 0.073 %), and the incidence after scleral buckling was even lower.

共有888041起符合标准的刺激性事件(704717名患者)。SO病例总数为263,60个月内SO的累计发病率为0.044%。女性性别与SO的发病无关(aHR, 1.01 [95% 置信区间, 0.79–1.29])。各年龄组中,40-49岁组发病率最高,为0.104%(与≥80岁组 (0.041%)相比,aHR为2.44 [1.56–3.80])。与初次刺激性事件相比(0.036%),重复刺激性事件(包含或不包含外伤)的SO发病率较高(分别为0.47%和0.072%;与初次刺激性事件相比的aHR分别为11.68 [7.74–17.64]和2.21[1.59–3.07])。玻切术后SO的发病率低于外伤后(0.016% vs. 0.073),巩膜扣带术后的发病率更低。


The cumulative incidence of SO over 60 months was estimated to be 0.044% at minimum. Repeated inciting events, especially those with trauma, increased the risk of developing SO. Trauma was 4–5 times as likely to induce SO than vitrectomy. The present findings will be valuable for counseling patients about the risks of SO after trauma and before performing intraocular surgeries.


【文献速递】交感性眼炎的发病率-日本全国性数据库研究| Ophthalmology(图4)

【文献速递】交感性眼炎的发病率-日本全国性数据库研究| Ophthalmology(图5)

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